Saturday, November 28, 2015

Dragonmeet 2015

We will be at Dragonmeet this December 5th in London! See you there!

The website:

Friday, November 6, 2015

The Black Moon Handbook is on DrivethruRPG

Our new release, "The Black Moon Handbook", is available on DrivethruRPG!

“Dear Reader, as you hold this book in your hands, wherever you may be in Tri-Kazel, know that you possess the summary of everything I have been able to learn about hauntings, ghosts, specters, and shadows...”

The Black Moon Handbook is a book written by occultist Steren Slaìne and annotated by alienist Enyl Mac Bedwyr. They have distinctly conflicting points of view on the nature of the strange phenomena that occur in Tri-Kazel. This confrontation offers arguments and methods of investigation, both to aficionados of the paranormal and to its detractors.

Although it is primarily intended for Game Leaders, this book can also be made directly part of the game by having the Characters find it and then allowing the Players to read it.
