Thursday, November 2, 2017

Back from Essen SPIEL

Here we are, back from a memorable journey! This Essen SPIEL was marked by an unforgettable new concert of Adeliane, performed by 4 musicians and singer Clarisse Mây, all lit by candles, with special guest Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape. Strong emotions...!

A big thank you to the organizers of Spiel who supported us as well as the publisher Matagot. Thank you to our volunteers and friends who participated in the booth throughout the show. You are jewels! Thanks to all our community, publisher friends and great people we met there.

See you nerxt year!

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Pre-order for Shadows of Esteren: Dearg on Backerkit

Please take a second to check out our recently launched Shadows of Esteren pre-order page on BackerKit. You can pre-order the campaign DEARG, some previous books and some limited edition items with nice discounts. If you missed the Kickstarter, this is the perfect moment to join :)

Don't miss the launch of our next Kickstarter in 2018, subscribe here. 

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Ticket Sales Open For Shadows of Esteren Concert at the Internationale Spieltage SPIEL - FRI 27th OCT 4PM

This October, enjoy a unique classical music concert at the International Games Event SPIEL! You can book your ticket on Ticketbud. The singer Clarisse Mây and four musicians will be performing Shadows of Esteren’s fourth album: ADELIANE. As of now, this concert is a one-time-only event in Germany.

ADELIANE is a music album inspired by the universes of Philip Glass, Agnes Obel, and David Darling. It is one more window to the universe of Shadows of Esteren, a medieval world filled with dark romanticism, where ghastly horror and awe-inspiring beauty go hand in hand. ADELIANE is composed by François Rousselot, the composer of the OST of MR HUBLOT, which won the Oscar for best short animation in 2014.

The SPIEL concert will feature special guest Benjamin Loomes, renowned composer and creator of Syrinscape, the award-winning sound app for tabletop games, who will be filing the venue with the sounds of vicious storms, vast landscapes and other moody environments.

Note that you will need to attend SPIEL to enter this concert, as it will take place in the Saal Europa room, located inside the Messe Essen convention center.

Buy your tickets for the SPIEL
Listen to the Esteren's first three albums on Bandcamp

See you there 😊🎹🎻🎤🎼

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Gen Con 50

We are back from Gen Con and it was intense. We lived unforgettable moments.

Thank you to all the people who came to see us and to participate to make this edition an exceptional year! This edition was our sixth year and it is also friends that we found there: we miss you already! We fell so lucky and we are already looking forward to next Gen Con. Our next conventions abroad will be the Spiel in Essen, Germany and Dragonmeet in London, UK.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Back from UK Games Expo

Such great memories, thank you everyone for your goodness, all the members of our community, so supportive and kind. Thanks so much to our volunteers for their generosity. There are not all here on this picture but we do not forget : Keith, Gary, Rob, thank you so much. Those moments mean so much. 

Thanks also to the UKGE and Syrinscape crews. And of course many thanks to our composer François and all the musicians who made the live concert Adeliane happen ! We will never forget this unique evening.

We miss you all already and we will see you in Bimringham next year !

The Esteren crew for UK Games Expo 2017 - Photo by Clovis M

Saturday, May 27, 2017

A Brand New Portal For Shadows of Esteren's Website

After years of loyal service, the Shadows of Esteren portal is due for an overhaul! You can find the new version here. Developed by Pierstoval, the creator of Esteren maps, and co-designed with Nelyhann, the portal’s characteristics are as follows:

- Those used to the old version will be in familiar territory. This portal is organized like the previous one, with links to the various aspects of our transmedia project.

 - By registering on the website. You can use the Esteren maps online software, a Google maps-like application for the peninsula of Tri-Kazel.

 - We are still working on an online shop, but it will come. Promise! - You can listen to Esteren’s OSTs on Soundcloud, download Book 0 directly, and access many other handy subjects and features.

Enjoy and feel free to give us your feedback :)

The link to the new portal:

Friday, May 19, 2017

Adeliane : Our New Kickstarter is Live!

Today is the start of a new Kickstarter campaign, a small one that will last a dozen days. Yep, just like that, without warning!
Its core purpose will be to complete the production of the upcoming music album, Adeliane, and to offer you a physical CD version, as well as a limited edition vinyl one for music fans. Instead of making Adeliane available as a preorder via Backerkit, we have chosen to make this quick Kickstarter campaign in order to get the news out.. The artists involved have been working on it for several months, and it would be a shame for their efforts to go unnoticed!

In that regard, tickets for two concerts are also available through this campaign: one in England, in June, and one in Germany, in October. We hope to see many of you there! In addition, you can also preorder a limited edition of the graphic novel Yldiane, which is ready to be printed. Last but not least, this Kickstarter includes a new book, halfway between an artbook and a role-playing game sourcebook that we have been thinking about for some time: Melwan.

Concerning this book:

The Shadows of Esteren series includes several supplements (The Monastery of Tuath, The Black Moon Handbook, Occultism…) that explore specific aspects of its universe. Melwan’s focus is the eponymous vale from which Adeliane and her sister Yldiane hail. This hardcover artbook of about 60 pages is written from the perspective of an in-universe character, just like how the Black Moon Handbook was written by Steren Slaine. Here, the author is Neala, a shepherdess and Caernide breeder from Melwan. She talks about Yldiane (through a CYOA-like story), describes Melwan and the surrounding vale (which takes the shape of a game aid dedicated to the region’s noteworthy locations, personalities, and flora), and covers the local fauna, as well as more unusual creatures (in the form of a bestiary).

Find out more at:

Meanwhile, we are still working on Dearg; Volume 1 is almost complete!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your staunch support. With your help, we can keep going further and, year after year, go on with giving our all and making this series the best it can be.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Suspense and Tragedy in RPG

The english translation for the first part of Dearg, Shadows of Esteren’s official campaign is over. This first part will include some game aids and inserts with advice concerning how to handle the system of narrative arcs and Focuses, which is introduced and used in Dearg. This system was detailed in a previous post. Here is a sneak peek at one of these new game aids:

Suspense and Tragedy

The motor of a typical role-playing session is suspense: as they progress through the story, the Players remain unsure of what will happen next, anticipating plot twists and looking out for danger. Just like spectators following a movie, they are eager to know what will come next and fear for their Characters.

With the aforementioned introductory Focuses, things are different. Since these scenarios explore the PCs past, they tell a story that is already part of the Characters’ backgrounds and therefore cannot be changed. For example, in Eoghan’s Focus, Mael will die, no matter what the PCs do. This also applies to Finn’s, Adeliane’s, and Joris’s stories: Players who have read Book 1 – Universe will already be aware of decisive elements of their backstories.

As such, suspense cannot be the story’s motor or the source of the Players’ interest. Instead, the introductory Focuses draw from a different genre: tragedy. Since the Players may already know what their Characters are in for, what matters is not what is going to happen, but how. Experiencing the story becomes more important than the story itself or its conclusion. As a result, the Players and Leader can focus on the Characters, their feelings, and their development.

Marco Garro | Le Supplici di Euripide
Liceo Cagnazzi di Altamura - Festival del Teatro Classico dei Giovani 

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You can subscribe to this ML to receive an update when will launch our Backerkit for Dearg:

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Looking for a female singer for the album Adeliane

We are currently looking for a female singer for our next original soundtrack: Adeliane.

This upcoming album will be entirely composed by François Rousselot, the man behind the orchestral arrangement of Dearg, but also the original soundtrack for Mr Hublot, winner of the Oscar for best animated short film in 2014. Adeliane is inspired from the universes of Philip Glass, Agnès Obel, and David Darling.

This new album will contain a dozen tracks, at least four of which will require a singer. Here are two digital samples (which are not intended to include sung parts) that are far from the intended final result, but will give you an idea of the album’s mood:

We plan to organize several live sessions in 2017 and 2018, including June 3rd 2017 in Birmingham, England and October 27th 2017 in Essen, Germany. Two other dates are planned in France (in mid-October 2017 and November 2017)

Whether your style is similar to Dead Can Dance, London Grammar, is gospel-like, or lyrical, you can send us demos or videos at this address.

All profiles are accepted, from beginners to professionals. Payment is negotiable. Please tell us the country and and area where you live.

If you want to listen to the three albums we have released so far, you can visit our Bandcamp page

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Esteren music albums on Bandcamp

You can listen and buy our music albums on Bandcamp : 

Enjoy :D