Sunday, March 11, 2018

Looking for Volunteers for UKGE 2018 & Gen Con 2018

Hello everyone,

As you may already know, there will be a Shadows of Esteren booth at UKGE 2018 in England and at Gen Con 2018 in the US, which will be run by some members of the team.
However, these big game conventions are a lot for a small team to handle, which is why we are going to need some extra support... a support which YOU may provide!

Running the Booth

You'll have to do what you must have all seen booth holders do: stick around, be all smiles, and be ready to provide a rundown about the universe and answer questions!

► You will remain with us at the Shadows of Esteren booth for the most part of the days. You will be given one hour or two to go around, grab a bite, chat with friends, check out other booths, etc. but we will be counting on you to stay with us most of the time.

► Since the books we've released so far will be our main products, you will be expected to have reliable knowledge about them, so that you can describe them and answer questions about them, the most important one being of course Book 1, the core book.

► What's in for you? You will be given some gift at the Shadows of Esteren booth, and you will be cordially invited to come with us at the end of the day for a few drinks and some merry chatting. You also will get a precious exhibitor badge.

And of course, once more, only offer your help if you are certain that you will be available. Not getting any help would be a bummer, but being promised help that will not come in the end would be a major pain in the butt.

That's it! If you wish to volunteer for a convention, please fill this form and we will get back to you.

For any additional information, do not hesitate to contact us; we'll do our best to provide complete and reliable answers. We hope that we'll have the pleasure of having some of you by our side!