Saturday, October 17, 2020

Ten Years

Ten years ago, the very first Esteren book was released in France. We had planned a nice party with our friends musicians, brewers and artists... but the current crisis prevented us from making happen this very special date of the Esteren Tour. Of course, it's only a postponement! And we will perhaps celebrate the 10 years of the English version, in 2022?

Thank you for having accompanied us during all these years. Esteren continues to live, it is also thanks to you. We will soon enter the cycle of Secrets as Dearg's cycle comes to an end. For now, we are just happy to be still here.

Take care!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Overview of the Shadows of Esteren series

Many Esteren items have remained unavailable at retail or out of stock for a long time. Since conventions have been canceled, we’ll be making available the stock that was reserved for those dates during the upcoming Kickstarter.

Several books are almost out of stock, such as Book 1 (the core rulebook) or Book 3 (the official campaign). These bundles are 50% off, so don’t hesitate!

Here is an overview of the series:

Book 0 – Prologue: This seminal book includes an overview of the universe, the essential elements of the game system, six pregenerated characters, and three adventures, which stand as spin-offs of the official campaign and introduce some of its main themes. Perfect to get started!

Book 1 – Universe: This core book details the peninsula of Tri-Kazel and contains the complete game system and character creation mechanics. It also includes six unique pregenerated characters, who are central to the Dearg campaign. It is also our most awarded book, having received ENnies for Best Art, Best Production Values, and Product of the Year. It has enjoyed several print runs, but is now unavailable at retail. Through the present Kickstarter campaign, you can order the last remaining copies!

Book 2 – Travels: A book for Game Leaders, Travels is a veritable toolbox featuring: a chapter on noteworthy locations of the peninsula, additional rules and game aids related to traveling, a detailed gallery of NPCs from across the peninsula, a collection of 5 mini-adventures, a mini-campaign titled “A Life Choice,” and a short bestiary.

Book 3 – Dearg: A complete adventure path spanning two volumes, Dearg is the official Shadows of Esteren campaign, a tragic fresco of twenty scenarios that will lead your Players to unearth terrible secrets about themselves and the world. Dearg introduces several unique mechanics, such as narrative arcs and Focuses, for the purpose of more intense sessions and more engaging role-playing. Several of the present campaign’s rewards include the first volume of this campaign, with the second one currently in the works.

The Monastery of Tuath: This book is showcases the inner working and beliefs of the Temple faction and the life of monks. At its heart is the densely packed investigation scenario “Vengeful Words.” This homage to The Name of the Rose can be played as a standalone or as part of the Dearg campaign.

Black Moon Handbook: This supplement is a guide to occultism that can be found in-game by the Player Characters. Written by the NPC Steren Slaine, it offers many game aids to play an occultist, additional rules, 5 mini-adventures on the themes of ghosts and possessions, and a small thematic bestiary.

Hauntings Pocket Book: Some of the pledges include this collection of fiction. Its 5 short stories will immerse you in Tri-Kazel’s life and will introduce you to its occult folklore.

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Learn more: Kickstarter campaign

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Demo of the Esteren Point'n'Click Game Is Now Freely Downloadable

We are making the demo of our point'n'click game, The Mac Lyrs’ Legacy, freely downloadable on DTRPG.

This PC demo (available in French and English) will let you play the game’s first chapter and experiencing its gameplay. You just need to download the .zip and launch the .exe within.

Keep in mind that this is a demo and may include bugs. If you encounter any, our apologies! In this case, please report them on our Discord. If you get stuck, you can also ask for help there! This is our first video game, so don’t be too hard on us :)

Have fun :)

About the Video Game Project

The Mac Lyrs’ Legacy is in line with classic point'n'click games such as Broken Sword or Monkey Island. It is rooted in the beginnings of the Esteren project, back in 2009, and depicts Yldiane upon her return to her native village of Melwan. The game’s events follow those of the Side Path gamebook and Yldiane comic, which are part of the Melwan project. To stay in touch with us and be informed of the launch of our next Kickstarter, subscribe to our mailing list.

We are always looking for people to help us move forward on this project or a publisher with whom to associate. Feel free to drop us a line here.

About Shadows of Esteren

Shadows of Esteren is a medieval world with horrific and gothic overtones in a dark, low fantasy setting. Drawing inspiration from Celtic myths, this universe has a subtle fantastic side hidden under a bleak, realistic surface. With the focus of its adventures being investigation and survival, Shadows of Esteren favors immersion and interaction among the players. 

Shadows of Esteren is the work of Studio Agate. It exists through various media: a tabletop role-play game, music, board games, and even video games.

Innovative and crossmedia project, Shadows of Esteren is the first French creation of its kind to have obtained a dozen of prices internationally, including four Ennie Awards at Indianapolis GenCon in 2013 and 2016.