Celiane & the Prince


Celiane & the Prince

Last spring, the community came together for the second season of Dearg 2 on Kickstarter. It was a powerful moment and also the campaign that gathered the most backers since our very first one in 2012! What an adventure, what a feeling of gratitudeRead More

Shadows of Esteren : New Releases in April 2022

ByVincent L.

Shadows of Esteren : New Releases in April 2022

Now that backers have received their packages, it's time for the new Shadows of Esteren books to hit the stores! 6 new items will be available in the stores from this Monday, April 25, 2022! Enjoy!DARK ROMANTICISMIn this artbook, you will find what constitutesRead More

Esteren ruleset becomes a generic game system

ByShadows of Esteren

Esteren ruleset becomes a generic game system

We are very happy to announce that the Shadows of Esteren game system will become a generic RPG system so that it can be adapted to other universes! Its working title is the "Narrative Arc System" to emphasize roleplay, emotions and the evolution ofRead More

Ten Years


Ten Years

Ten years ago, the very first Esteren book was released in France. We had planned a nice party with our friends musicians, brewers and artists... but the current crisis prevented us from making happen this very special date of the Esteren Tour. Of course,Read More

Overview of the Shadows of Esteren series

ByShadows of Esteren

Overview of the Shadows of Esteren series

Many Esteren items have remained unavailable at retail or out of stock for a long time. Since conventions have been canceled, we’ll be making available the stock that was reserved for those dates during the upcoming Kickstarter. Several books are almost out of stock,Read More

The Demo of the Esteren Point'n'Click Game Is Now Freely Downloadable

ByShadows of Esteren

The Demo of the Esteren Point'n'Click Game Is Now Freely Downloadable

We are making the demo of our point'n'click game, The Mac Lyrs’ Legacy, freely downloadable on DTRPG. This PC demo (available in French and English) will let you play the game’s first chapter and experiencing its gameplay. You just need to download the .zipRead More

Adeliane is on Bandcamp


Adeliane is on Bandcamp

Our fourth album Adeliane is available on Bandcamp. Adeliane is one of the mort important figure of Shadows of Esteren's universe. You take your body on these paths The rhythm of your heart Of your steps This body of pain You walk further DeeperRead More