Celiane & the Prince

12:53 PM Esteren 0 Comments

Last spring, the community came together for the second season of Dearg 2 on Kickstarter. It was a powerful moment and also the campaign that gathered the most backers since our very first one in 2012! What an adventure, what a feeling of gratitude towards this wonderful community, towards you! THANK YOU!

We have just launched the pledge manager phase for the backers, which is the time when everyone can provide their details and finalize their order. The studio team worked tirelessly to review all the stock and offer plenty of rarities. Hats off to them because it was a huge task! I’ve been looking forward to this moment because I had a surprise in store for the community, crafted with the talented sculptor Roberto Chaudon. You know him for creating the first minis of Shadows of Esteren; this time, I gave him a special commission: the busts of Celiane and the Prince.

Esteren is an incredible adventure that has allowed me to meet many artists from all over the world. And these collaborations together form the soul of this project. Each artist brings their own sensitivity, their own vision.

I won’t say more, here are a few images :

Each of these busts is a limited edition of 30 copies, made of resin, approximately 50 mm in size. You’ll need to assemble and paint them. Be careful, it’s a fairly technical job!


These two busts are offered first to our backers, and if any remain, they’ll be available during the upcoming late pledge. I think I’ll keep a few copies for our upcoming conventions ^^ I’ll take this opportunity to share some key info and respond to a few messages we’ve received:

▶ If you missed the campaign, yes, there will be a late pledge soon. You’ll be able to pre-order Dearg season 2 and all the new releases. Sign up for the mailing list to not miss anything.
▶ Is this the end of the line? No, not at all. Dearg season 2 closes the first cycle with characters that were introduced in the core rulebook. The new cycle will focus on the Secrets.
▶ Will there be a season 3? It’s hard to say right now, but we’re not closing any doors, especially considering the success of season 2 ^^
▶ If you're a backer and looking for the link to the pledge manager, here it is: https://shadows-of-esteren-elegy.backerkit.com If you encounter any issues, feel free to send us a quick email: https://www.studio-agate.com/en/contact

That’s all for now :)

The first cycle of Shadows comes to an end, but it’s only the beginning… ;

See you on the Discord server! 

 Take care, 



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